Saturday, March 6, 2010

Popularity: Defined

Before I get started, I need to make clear how I define popularity. It's not something only prissy shallow losers have. It's not something great people have. It's not something your born with or something that makes you evil. People are people are people are people, popular people are still people. Tall people aren't hated for being tall, popular people should treated as such. Still, though, short people will hate tall people for having what they don't. And other tall people will hate tall people simply because no one person is liked by everyone.

So who are the popular people? They're people. Their popularity doesn't make them the bad guys nor does it make them the heros. That's all a matter of perspective. So if you're looking for a guide to be the world's greatest person or instructions that'll help you become a jerk (why you'd want that is beyond me, though) then look someplace else. I won't tell you to become manipulative or permanently compromise your beliefs (that might come up in the instructions from time to time but that's not the main goal of each of these posts).  My goal is to help you become liked and admired by a majority of people.  To make you powerful and influential over your peers.  It'll be a wild ride to the top, but if you're willing to hang on, you won't lose yourself in the crazy pursuit of the thing we all want: popularity.

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